Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Songs for Purim: Haman and Mamoud & She Said No

Purim is right around the corner, so here are a couple of songs to add to the mix.

Dovid remind us that we haven't run out of rasha's yet, Dovid Kerner sent me an email offering up his "Story of Haman and Mamoud" for our Purim enjoyment. Enjoy!

The Story of Haman and Mamoud

UPDATE: Dovid fessed up that "we shot a hokey video for it last year - just put it up on youtube/kernersongs." Grin. I'm a fan. Enjoy.

Next, here's MIRAJ's song about Vashti and Esther, "She Said No." MIRAJ composes and performs a capella music for Shabbat,Rosh Hodesh and other sacred times.

She Said No

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